The American Baptist Historical Society invites you to this year’s annual historical event, “Let It Not Happen Again” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept 28. The forum will be held at 2930 Flowers Road South, Atlanta, GA, in the Atlanta Administration and Conference Center auditorium.
Recently we have heard calls for a registry of Muslims, for prohibitions on immigrants and refugees from specific countries, and fearmongering of those who might be “different.” In all of this we hear echoes of the attitudes and dispositions that allowed serious injustices to be perpetrated against Japanese Americans during World War II.
As you may be aware, this year marks the 75th anniversary of the Executive Order that required all people of Japanese descent to move away from the west coast of the U.S. Most of those 120,000 people spent the duration of the war years interned in “Relocation Camps” in the interior of the U.S.
Mr. Yosh Nakagawa will share about his experience as a native of Seattle who, as a young child, was relocated with his parents to Minidoka, Idaho. Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Executive Director of American Baptist Home Mission Societies and Director of Public Witness Advocacy will offer a contemporary prophetic call to justice. This event is free and open to the public. A flyer about the event can be downloaded here. Event Flyer 2017.